
The Korea Nanotechnology Research Society (KoNTRS) was established on January 17, 2004, in accordance with Article 7 of the Nano-Technology Development Promotion Act, and has been serving as a leading institution representing experts in the field of nanotechnology in South Korea for the past 20 years, playing a key role in the advancement of national nanotechnology development.

By establishing a network between academia, research, and industry experts working in the field of nanotechnology, we present direction for R&D based on collective intelligence, respond to policy demands and contribute to academic activities and manpower training as well as interdisciplinary collaboration and convergence.

Nanotechnology, as a key scientific technology converging with all industries, is radically transforming the quality of human life and leading innovation in future industries.

Building upon its 20-year history, KoNTRS will further solidify its role and strive to secure top-tier technologies to lead the global market.

We ask for your interest and support.

Thank you.

President, Jinho Ahn

Copyright ⓒ 2022 KoNTRS. All rights reserved.